Assessment |
We offer well researched, highly standardized and renowned assessment tests that
help measure sensitivity, memory, intelligence, aptitude and personality of a candidate,
employee, student or any individual. Our Assessment Tests help in recruitment, assessing
leadership skills, identifying employees for promotion and self assessment.
AGC Infotech provides a comprehensive suite of assessment tools that help employers,
employees and individuals achieve greater productivity. Our state of the art ability
and personality assessment tests help evaluate sensitivity, memory, intelligence,
aptitude and personality of a person.
How we help employers:
We provide you with information that helps in hiring, leadership planning promoting,
360 degree feedback programs, improving customer service, among others. As a Human
Resource power house, our expertise in the areas of testing and assessment lends
a visible value addition when combined with recruitment. Based on the requirement
for a particular role, the candidate is put through a battery of ability and psychometric
tests that help portray his skills and characteristics. A quantifiable ability test
helps measure a skill of the candidate that is critical to doing the job. The psychometric
test helps in defining his attitude and matching it to his role in the organization.
How we help employees:
Self assessment helps employees and individuals identify their key strengths and
weaknesses. Our array of psychometric tests help individuals in understanding their
own personalities. This helps them make necessary course corrections to make themselves
suitable for a particular role or a job. Identification of strengths gives many
individuals the much needed confidence, as most people fail to discover their latent
talents, which our tests help uncover.
How we help students:
AGC Infotech recommends that each student takes up a psychometric test before starting
off on the career path, as this helps him or her understand his/ her potential,
growth points, latent talents and weaknesses.
AGC Infotech Academy, the training arm of Ma Foi analyzes this gap and helps students
develop their personal and professional skills and prepares them for the right career.
A thorough understanding of the needs of employers helps AGC Infotech Academy identify
the areas of improvement in fresh grads. We don't stop with just assessing a student
but go beyond that to provide training based on the needs and requirements. A team
of courseware professionals design and develop training courses to enhance the competence
of candidates in the job market.